Sistem Pendukung Keputusan Pemilihan Dosen Non Komputer Terbaik Menerapkan Metode Multi-Objective Optimization on The Basis of Ratio Analysis (MOORA) dengan Pembobotan Rank Order Centroid (ROC)


  • Jepri Saprianto Sitorus Universitas Budi Darma, Medan
  • Fajar Surya Atmaja Universitas Budi Darma, Medan
  • Jasmir UNAMA, Jambi


Decision Support System, Lecturer Non-Computer, ROC, MOORA


Lecturer is a teaching teacher in the field of education at a higher education institute. At the computer tertiary institution, teaching lecturers are divided into two, namely computer lecturers and non-computer lecturers. Computer lecturers are lecturers who focus on technology and computer science, while non-computer lecturers are general lecturers and are not related to computers. With an award given to a lecturer, an assessment is needed which will later improve performance and be motivated to contribute actively to a university or an agency. There are several supporting criteria in assessing the performance of the lecturer, H-Index Scopus, H-Index GS, Accredited Journal, Rank Group, Lecturer Professional Membership, Age, and Letter of warning. To make it easier for leaders to assess the performance of lecturers in their institutions, a decision support system is needed as a solution to these problems. By applying the Multi-Objective Optimization Method on the basis of Ratio Analysis (MOORA) with Rank Order Centroid (ROC) weighting. Then it was found that the results of the research problems, namely alternative A1 on behalf of Suginam, SE, MM were chosen as the best non-computer lecturer with the best alternative value of 0.544


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