Sistem Informasi Penjualan Handphone Berbasis Web dengan Fitur Promosi dan Penjualan


  • Daniel Herovi Universitas Dinamika Bangsa, Kota Jambi
  • Maria Rosario Universitas Dinamika Bangsa, Kota Jambi
  • Errissya Rasywir Universitas Dinamika Bangsa, Kota Jambi


System, Information, Sale, Handphone, Promotion


Daniel Phone is a business engaged in the sale of second hand mobile phones. At this store the promotion and sales system is still done directly. The sales system that is currently in progress is that buyers come to the store directly to carry out cell phone buying and selling transactions, while we can only find out the information on the goods we want to buy if we visit the store. The purpose of this study is to design a web-based sales information system, which is expected to facilitate sales and expand product marketing and introduce Daniel Phone to many people. Evaluate and analyze sales to be able to increase market competition that exists at this time, especially in the mobile phone sales section. This research resulted in a website designed with a user-friendly appearance so that the system can be easily understood by visitors or customers and can make it easier for Daniel Phone to expand the promotional area.


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